Our Referral Program
Go Green and Save Green - With a Friend!
Refer a friend. Earn $500 for Residential or $1000 for Commercial!
It’s easy to make money by referring new solar customers to NC Solar Now! You don’t even have to be a customer yourself. Read on to learn more about our referral program and start making $500 for every homeowner or $1000 for every company you refer who goes solar with NC Solar Now!
Simply complete the referral contact form to make a referral. And that’s it! We will contact the person you referred and handle the rest!
Share Your Passion for Solar!
How Do I Get Paid?
Once you submit the referral, we will contact the person about going solar. We ask every person who referred them, so make sure they know you referred them! If they decide to go solar with NC Solar Now, we will use the contact information you provided to contact you regarding how to receive your bonus.
Please Note:
- Referrals must be non-existing customers and purchase solar panels to qualify.
- Only one person can claim the referral fee per customer referred.
- On the rare occasion that someone is referred by two different individuals, the first individual to refer their friend will receive the bonus.
- In order to send you a referral check, we must have an IRS W-9 form on file for you.
When Will I Get Paid?
The timeline for each customer varies. Most referral bonuses are credited within 6-8 weeks after the installation has been completed, and the individual account is considered to be within good standing. Please note, individual project timelines may be shorter or longer depending on various factors. Bonuses are credited once the entire project is complete.
Refer a Friend
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Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.