New Duke Energy PowerPair Incentive For 2024!

Duke Energy’s PowerPair℠ Program has been APPROVED!

The Duke Energy PowerPair Incentive is now available for customers in North Carolina who install a new solar + battery system! This incentive can land you up to $9,000 in savings! LIMITED SPACE is available! Keep reading for details, and contact NC Solar Now for more info about PowerPair and what you can do to prepare for the application period! 

Duke Energy PowerPair Solar + Battery Storage

What is the Duke Energy PowerPair Incentive Program?

In 2018, Duke Energy offered a very competitive, one-time solar rebate program in North Carolina which offered $62 million in rebates. The program ended in January 2023 leaving customers wondering when a new opportunity would be available. We have some very exciting news! As of January 11th, 2024, Duke Energy’s PowerPair Solar Plus Battery incentive has been approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC), and applications open IN MAY!

The PowerPair program encourages homeowners to install solar panels + battery storage for reduced carbon emissions, analyzing the operational impacts of these systems on the electric grid, and assessing the cost-effectiveness of solar plus storage. PowerPair aims to make new energy efficiency measures even more affordable.

PowerPair Timeline

Bullet 4 JANUARY PowerPair is approved by NCUC
Bullet 2 FEBRUARY Duke Energy deadline to file tariffs outlining the application process
Bullet 1 MARCH Deadline for NCUC to provide comments
Bullet 3 MAY PowerPair application goes live!

How Does the PowerPair Program Work?

With Duke Energy’s solar incentive, North Carolina homeowners who install a new solar + battery system are eligible for up to $9,000 in savings. Combined with a 30% Solar Tax Credit, customers could see up to 47% off the total cost of their solar + battery systems!

Important Details:

  • Incentive Amount: Homeowners can receive up to $3,600 for solar and $5,400 for batteries when installed together, totaling up to $9,000.
  • Incentive Capacity: This incentive has a capacity for around 6,000 homes. From our experience with past NC rebate savings programs, we expect these spots to fill very quickly.
  • Duke Energy Trade Ally: Duke Energy requires the installation and interconnection request to be completed by a registered Duke Energy Trade Ally, like NC Solar Now.

How to Apply: Applications open in May 2024. To apply for the incentive, your system needs to be designed and your interconnection request must be completed and sent to Duke Energy by a qualified Duke Energy Trade Ally. This process can take several weeks, we recommend starting early so you are ready to apply when the application becomes available.

PowerPair Savings Summary:

Incentive ValueAverage System PriceSavings
PowerPair Solar + Storage$9,000$38,00024%
PowerPair + 30% Tax Credit$17,700$38,00047%

Am I Eligible for PowerPair?

The PowerPair program is open to all Duke Energy customers in North Carolina, including Duke Energy Carolina, and Duke Energy Progress. Applicants must own the residences. Homes can be either gas or electric, but the application must be for a new solar system + battery storage installation and does not apply to existing system additions. Specific requirements for Solar Power and Battery Storage:

Solar Power: 

 $0.36 per watt with a maximum solar capacity of 10kW
Maximum incentive value of $3,600

Battery Storage: 

 $400 per kWh of battery capacity, up to 13.5 kW
Maximum incentive value of $5,400

See more program details on Duke Energy’s PowerPair program page.

*Additional Battery Capacity and Solar Capacity are permitted but will not qualify toward the PowerPair incentive

What’s Next? How Can I Apply?

The PowerPair incentive was approved on January 11th, Duke Energy’s next step is to finalize the details with NCUC and will begin accepting applications in MAY 2024. Currently the program is set to use a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE system, and these spots will fill quickly! Contact NC Solar Now so we can set you up for energy independence, huge reductions in your electric bill, and a healthier community at the lowest prices we’ve ever seen!

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Terms and Conditions

* The PowerPair program is facilitated by Duke Energy. The incentive is not guaranteed and is subject to terms and conditions.

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